Name: Rachel Raquel
Hometown: Sioux City, IA
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Relationship Status: Single
Photographer Credits: Johnny Pena, John Hong, Carlo Parduchi
Tell us briefly about your modeling career and what has come out of it.
I started modeling after traveling back and forth to LA to record music and meet with labels. I was very resistant in starting at first, but I soon fell in love with it. Now I’m signed with an agency and doing modeling full time.
Tell us some of your greatest achievements in your career today.
I would say being here. Just the fact that I’m here modeling signed with an agency is amazing. But I would say walking for Style Fashion Week. That was pretty amazing and a crazy thing to walk with models I’ve seen on America’s next top model.
What are some characteristics you should have to be prepared in this industry?
Comfort with your body, you have to know who you are and realize that you’re beautiful in your way. You have to be able to take “No.” A lot of models come out here not realizing what a dog eat dog world it is. The last would be having good morals. A lot of people are going to try and change them but stick to it.
What should aspiring female models be careful of? What are some things that can be unforeseen?
Scams. A lot of models go on Model Mayhem and Craigslist to start a portfolio and do jobs which is always good and can be really good, but there are a lot of people scamming out there. Make sure you never send provocative pictures to people before shooting, especially if they ask for cell phone ones.
There’s not really anything unforeseen, it’s pretty basic and straightforward. The only thing is the pressure. You know going into modeling the pressure of being skinny and pretty is going to be there, but you don’t really know what it’s like till you get here.
What hobbies are you into outside of modeling? What do you do on weekends and on your time off?
I’m a singer so I love to record and write music. Other than that I just love going out with my friends and exploring Los Angeles! I love hiking so I do that and go to the beach.
Any last statements for Rude Boy viewers?
Be yourself. Be weird and enjoy life to the fullest. Don’t let anyone bring you down because the abnormalities are what’s best about you.
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